My buff orp may be sick


Sep 17, 2022
One of the three buff pros I have stopped eating, won’t even eat meal worms, she is keeping to herself, just sitting around. Seems to have diarrhea but otherwise doesn’t appear sick other than what I’ve mentioned. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
One of the three buff pros I have stopped eating, won’t even eat meal worms, she is keeping to herself, just sitting around. Seems to have diarrhea but otherwise doesn’t appear sick other than what I’ve mentioned. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi there, sorry to hear about your bird.
What's their diet? How is she sitting? How old is she? How's her crop?
Hi there, sorry to hear about your bird.
What's their diet? How is she sitting? How old is she? How's her crop?
We just changed feed to a 16% protein mix, more defined seeds than the powder they were eating. Her crop seems fine. Brought her inside and washed her bottom off. Which didn’t seem very dirty. When I picked her up some yellow stuff came out of her, poop? She sounds gurgling now.
We just changed feed to a 16% protein mix, more defined seeds than the powder they were eating. Her crop seems fine. Brought her inside and washed her bottom off. Which didn’t seem very dirty. When I picked her up some yellow stuff came out of her, poop? She sounds gurgling now.
It could be a reproductive issue that's backing everything up. Is there any swelling between her legs?
One of the three buff pros I have stopped eating, won’t even eat meal worms, she is keeping to herself, just sitting around. Seems to have diarrhea but otherwise doesn’t appear sick other than what I’ve mentioned. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hello! This happened to my Buff Orp, Emerald. It was a very hard time for the both of us but we got through it! She had been just fine but started acting sick like yours. She also went diarrhea, which was very watery and yellow. It ended up that she had an impacted gizzard, meaning she got something (for her it was grass) stuck inside her gizzard. I'll attach my thread from that time:

You can use this info if you suspect that it could be an Impacted Gizzard.

There could possibly be other things that are causing it and maybe a respiratory disease causing the gurgling as Cry68 mentioned, and maybe a reproductive issue as nuthatched mentioned.

I hope your Buff Orpington gets well! 💚
Hello! This happened to my Buff Orp, Emerald. It was a very hard time for the both of us but we got through it! She had been just fine but started acting sick like yours. She also went diarrhea, which was very watery and yellow. It ended up that she had an impacted gizzard, meaning she got something (for her it was grass) stuck inside her gizzard. I'll attach my thread from that time:

You can use this info if you suspect that it could be an Impacted Gizzard.

There could possibly be other things that are causing it and maybe a respiratory disease causing the gurgling as Cry68 mentioned, and maybe a reproductive issue as nuthatched mentioned.

I hope your Buff Orpington gets well! 💚
Thank you and everyone else that responded so quickly! I had my husband check for the impacted crop and after I went and examined another bird that isn’t sick, so that I knew what a normal crop felt like, we decided she did have a crop issue. While I tried to find what to do about it my husband messaged the area to the point that when I mixed the contents of two docusate gels with a small amount of Greek yogurt and gave this to her, we believe the the lump was passed down to wherever it goes! We washed her bottom and feet, blew her dry with a warm hair dryer and placed her back in her coop with just water. We will watch her closely. Obviously we are very inexperienced and I have a great deal of trouble finding discussions that dealt with this topic. Thanks again for your help! These three birds are so much more to us than just egg producers💕
Poop pictures are welcome. I would recheck her crop in the morning, and tell us if it is empty and flat, full and puffy/soft, hard, or doughy. How old is she, and does she normally lay eggs? Gurgling can sometimes be a result of crop contents coming back up into the throat and airway, if there is a crop problem or if the crop is accidentally squeezed during handling.
Thank you and everyone else that responded so quickly! I had my husband check for the impacted crop and after I went and examined another bird that isn’t sick, so that I knew what a normal crop felt like, we decided she did have a crop issue. While I tried to find what to do about it my husband messaged the area to the point that when I mixed the contents of two docusate gels with a small amount of Greek yogurt and gave this to her, we believe the the lump was passed down to wherever it goes! We washed her bottom and feet, blew her dry with a warm hair dryer and placed her back in her coop with just water. We will watch her closely. Obviously we are very inexperienced and I have a great deal of trouble finding discussions that dealt with this topic. Thanks again for your help! These three birds are so much more to us than just egg producers💕
Your Welcome! I forgot to mention that I gave her a mixture of yogurt similar to the one you gave your girl. It seems to help push down the obstruction in the crop and soon be passed out when the chicken poops. I'm glad you washed and blew dried her! It helps to reduce stress in the chicken and help her to relax, giving her more of a chance to get better.
Update us tomorrow on how she is behaving. All chickens are much, much more than just egg producers!!! I'm happy I could help! 💚

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