My cat caught a baby bird Help!


Wild Claws

Mouse 🐾
May 5, 2022
I was walking outside looking for some medicine when I noticed 1 of my cats was staring at something on the ground I walked over and thought it was a mouse. I moved my cat( her name is mouse) and saw that it was actually a baby bird. I picked it up and it kicked it's legs. The only blood visible is on both wings. It's still breathing and I have it under a heat lamp. Can I give it anything? Sugar water?
Edit: I just found a hole on its back. Must be a puncture wound From mouse carrying it
Here it is


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My cat Esmeralda brought a rabbit larger than her to my storage building this past weekend. I threw the headless carcass in the woods and yesterday it was lying in front of the building again. I repeated the throwing the carcass away thing again and lo and behold this morning it was back with moss and dirt mounded over it this time. I petted her and acted like I didn't even notice her camouflage efforts.
My cat Esmeralda brought a rabbit larger than her to my storage building this past weekend. I threw the headless carcass in the woods and yesterday it was lying in front of the building again. I repeated the throwing the carcass away thing again and lo and behold this morning it was back with moss and dirt mounded over it this time. I petted her and acted like I didn't even notice her camouflage efforts.
That is great!
Good luck with the bridie. You can try feeding it with a dropper or a chopstick. Do you have any idea what breed it is? I hope it does well. I found a baby weaver that had fallen out of the nest and I raised it and eventually I set it free. It used to come and feed out our bird feeders but she now blends in with the other birds so I can't recognise her any more.
Edit: some pet shops sell baby bird food.
My German Shepherd got hold of a baby bird once. I took it away and then put in on the ground and dropped a big rock on it. I might be a jerk but I didn't see how it would survive after being chomped on by Meathead.
can we see pictures of the wound on its back? i wouldn’t kill it unless it starts going downhill. if you post some better photos i might be able to figure out what kind of bird it is and what it eats. it looks starling-ish but i’m not sure. drop a drop of water on its beak and see if it drinks. good luck!
Give it back to the cat, there is no way it will survive in your care.
well… actually birds are quite tough and although there’s a chance it won’t make it it still might. i’ve rehabilitated several birds with various injuries and they do make it quite often. i think it depends on the injuries it has and the species.
edit: not to start an argument

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