My chick fell 2 1/2 feet. Will she be okay?


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2024
So I made my chicks a balcony so they have more space to move around. But one of them was running up and down so much she fell on my wood floor, I picked her up immediately and put her back but it looked like one of her legs hurt. These chicks are probably 3-4 days old. I was worried it broke or sprained, but she would be chirping if it was hurting. She was kinda hoping and then sitting at the food eating then drinking water. Later on started standing on one foot using a little bit of the other leg, but she would sit back down. She seems to still have the same energy because she’s pulling on the other chick's wings and head :rolleyes: I’m just worried she won’t be able to walk, I had a chick who fell from the same length and nothing was wrong with her. Let me know if anyone knows she will be okay and maybe she just bruised it because I’m really worried:(. There is no color change in her foot she is drinking and eating water on her own still. She is starting to stand up for longer and move around more. What can I do for a faster recovery?


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:welcome Just leave her alone - she doesn't need any extra stress right now. The chances that she hurt her self seriously are absolutely minimal.
Could you show pictures of the balcony?

The blanket wasn’t there before. Once she fell I closed the door and didn’t let them out. They were running around really fast that’s how she fell😥. I’ve never had little chicks with that much energy my other ones would sit on the edge.
thank you! I hope she’s okay. She’s eating and drinking water on her own. Still siting and limping though.

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