My chick is sick. I have a question about dosage. Please help!

Nut Lemon

9 Years
Jul 9, 2010
Mid- Coast Maine
These are my first chicks. They are pooping blood, and my sister and i got Corid for them. Our favorite one, Alf, a blue silkie, is the worst. He doesn't drink the water with the Corid. He isn;t active, he is eating, but he doesn't drink very much of the water. My sister said that we could give him just the Corid and have him drink lots of normal water after. My question is can you just give the chick the Corid, and then give him water? Also, How much Corid should we give him??

Some facts about our flock that might help,
We don't know the gender
We think that Alf is a pullet
We have 8 chicks all together
Only the 4 older silkies poop blood
Alf isn't active
"He" is about 3 weeks old
We have no laying chickens
We have 4 other chicks that are about 1 1/2 weeks old
We live in Mid Coast maine

If you need more info, i'll be online. Also please say if you are a professional or not. I want to know if I am getting known info or just guesses. Please hurry, he could go any day.
What form of the Corid did you get? I use a 20% powder form of the Corid, which was meant for cows, but a vet gave me the correct doseage, which is 3 tablespoons per 5 gallons of water.

You really should not give the chick the corid without mixing it with the water. Perhaps you could put some in a dropper and actually feed it to her.
Please don't give it straight - it will burn their little esophaguses.

You CAN, however, give a few drops via a syringe (no needle, of course) of the mixture of Corid in water.

Make sure to keep th brooder VERY dry - moisture and ensuing mold/mildew is most likely the cause of cocci. GOOD LUCK!
First of all, are you sure what you're seeing is abnormal poop?

Take a look at this:

Have you fed the chicks anything that might color their droppings?

Have these chicks been outside yet, or been in contact with other birds who have been outside? Three weeks is a little young for coccidiosis, and if they haven't even been outside I don't know where they could have picked it up.
the chicks have been outside. The 3 week silkies already sleep in the coop. they are already feathered out and they just have the light. they also play outside every day. also, i am 100% sure that it is blood in their poop. it is only some of them that have the blood. and lastly, an update. As soon as we finished giving Alf the water with the meds, she started running and playing, drinking, and eating with the others. I think that she just needed encouragement to drink, and then she felt better.
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thanks for that link. i'm quite new to chickens, and i'll probably use that link often. and their poo definately looks like the picture of coccidiosis poo.

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