my chick is to early??


In the Brooder
May 5, 2015
It was born 5 days after the others but its belly looks like a water balloon and its got like stuff hanging out of it from inside u guys must call that the vent but i tried to.clean it its not.comming loose an some blood on the klenex mom hen was pecking at it my cousin found it an peeled it out.. it was half way out b for that?? What can i do i have it in a box with a heating pad under the box an he cant walk
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I had a duck hat hatched early and had a large round bubble on its stomach. He turned out fine but I suggest keeping him extra warm and close to but not with the others so that he isn't completely alone. Make sure he is getting food and water and just keep anything from infecting it. I would barely wash it to keep germs out by using a damp Kleenex and just being extra gentle and caring. Make sure he is not in with the others I case it is a sickness! Good luck though! Hope it goes well!
He wont let me sleep if i put him down he chirps he cant move one of his feet

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