My chicken / baby rooster is sick any help??

We are going to need more information to help you. What symptoms are you seeing? What do droppings look like? How old, how is he housed, any other birds with him, how are they, what do you feed, including treats? As many details as possible will help you get some suggestions.
I feed him corn and so far he is doing great thanks for your help !!!:celebrate
I feed him corn and so far he is doing great thanks for your help !!!:celebrate

Corn is not even remotely close to a balanced food. Not even in the same universe. Especially for a young/growing bird. If your bird is still "sick", I would bet good money that the reason is that you are feeding it corn.

Please go buy some chicken feed for your bird. Something that is balanced nutritionally.

Where are you located?
Corn is not even remotely close to a balanced food. Not even in the same universe. Especially for a young/growing bird. If your bird is still "sick", I would bet good money that the reason is that you are feeding it corn.

Please go buy some chicken feed for your bird. Something that is balanced nutritionally.

Where are you located?
Ok thanks. I’m from Florida for a lil while what about you?
If you are feeding corn and not supplying chick grit, this could be the problem. Eventually a chick eating hard to digest foods without any grit to digest them will be in grave trouble.

Corn is also the last thing you want to feed a baby chick.

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