My chicken barks

Heather J

11 Years
May 29, 2008
No really, I have this pullet who recently started laying and today when I was out collecting eggs and topping off the feed she made this funny barking noise three times. (like a teacup-sized dog, really high pitched.) I kind of wondered if it was a cough or something. Has anyone else heard something like this?
One of my chicks do that, but it's more like a raspy chirp. Probably not sneezing since it's high pitched. Or maybe the egg song... it's like a rooster beginning to crow...maybe..
My hens make a wide variety of noises. When my black sex links were attacked by a mink, it sounded like a small child screaming. When my Aracauna lays, she sounds like a rooster crowing.
..and I have two that honk...
Well, as long as barking isn't a sign hat there's something wrong with her. lol

I'm so excited to report that five of my nine pullets laid eggs yesterday! I've never gotten more than three before, and EVERY ONE of my hens from my other coop laid today! It's never happened before.

Of course, now what am I going to do with all those eggs?
One of my girls Hisses like a cat!!!!!!!!!!!!! figure that out a barking dog and a hissing Cat!!! lol


One of my hens makes a barking noise or maybe its a sneeze cannot tell exactly what it is !!

But we do have a lot of dogs in our neighbourhood and the chickens would hear them barking.

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