My Chicken Coop (New Photos)


Ozark Bantams
12 Years
Apr 11, 2007
Southeast Missouri
Here are a few photos of my chicken coop and run. I started working on the coop some time in April, and the run was added earlier this month. The coop dimensions are 8ft x 8ft, and the run is 8ft x 10ft. There are two 8ft roosts, and two nest boxes on each side of the door. I plan on coverning the top of the run with clear or semi-transparent corrugated roofing panels. For now, I've got it covered with chicken wire. If you'd like, you can click here to see more photos of the my chickens and their set-up.






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Nice coop !

If your summers get above 80°, you may want to cover the run or part of it with something that is not transparent. Otherwise the sun will come through and the only place to escape the direct heat will be the coop. Shade and ventilation is very important when it gets hot.
Very nice indeed!

I do think you should think about how you can get into that run should you walk out there one day and find a chicken in trouble, though.....
Yeah, I've considered that. It does get very warm here in summer. We're having 90 degree weather the past few days. If I had it to do all over again, I would have put the run on the other side of the coop where it is shaded by trees. There is a smoke-gray semi-transparent pvc panel that blocks out much of the sun's rays. I may ultimately go with that, or maybe cover half of it with clear paneling and the other half with solid paneling. Either way, I think you are right about the need to provide some kind of shade in the run itself.

You can't see it in the photo, but on the far end of the run there is a hinged door that swings up and open. So, I can enter the run if need be, and it allows for me to rake out the run occasionally.

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