My Chicken Existential Crisis... I mean journey

Times like this isnwhen a fish net or butterfly net comes in handy
we have a new plan. chicks are in a box with a heat lamp. move them + heat lamp outside in live trap. lure mom in. since babies have heat, it's okay if it takes more than a couple minutes.
otherwise the sun goes down in 2 hours and we will get her then - I assume she'll roost somewhere we can find - and hope she takes the babies back
I have considered just giving the kids back to her outright and figuring it out after dark
update on crazy psycho broody
caught her in a live trap using babies as bait. she was running over all of them in her panic so I ended up trying to protect the chicks which let her get out. gave her the chicks back. they settled down for the night on the ground. tried to catch her then, no go. so the chicks are now mine.

had a pullet sitting in the nest box at sundown last night but shes not broody... her vent had mites or some other tiny bug. sprayed her. checked everyone else. a couple other ladies had them as well. sprayed them. it looked like bugs died on contact

I started worming everyone last night too
it took me 2 hours to check everyone for mites and worm them all.

and I still missed 4. because psycho broody was high up a tree and I didnt even want to try & 2 hens were high in the holly tree & so was the alpha roo. but I got... 33 birds wormed! so I'll take that. unfortunately they need another 4 days of this and this bottle is gunna run out before that so joy.

I have found this experience highly stressful.

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