My chicken had a impacted crop now it looks like it had turned into sour crop


May 24, 2020
I think the impaction is mostly gone but now her breath is smelly and she has a big soft balloon. She has been on fluconazole for 2 weeks every 48 hrs, so I don’t know why she is getting sicker. She is still eating and moving and talking but I am super worried. That’s her poop. About two weeks before the crop issues, she had bloody green watery poop so I took her to a vet I usually don’t go to. He thought I was crazy but gave her two medications just in case. I honestly believe she had coccidious because of the bloody green poop and the no hunger. What should I do? I am calling the vet when they open in a few hrs. She is my oldest hen and I absolutely love her so much.
Did the one that saw her do a gram stain to check for yeast & bacteria?
I don’t know because I stayed in the car while he checked her over. I have no idea what he did, I am just going by what he said. She did have what I believe is coccidious before the impaction and she had baytril.

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