My chicken has a bone sticking out of her back?!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 3, 2014
So one of my hens was attacked by a raccoon about a month ago and she was badly injured. Her back was bleeding and she wouldn't be able to walk on one of her feet. We thought it was just an issue with her foot so we put some medicine and such on it, thinking that it would heal. Well it's been a month now and we've finally figured out that the reason she probably can't walk is because her femur is sticking out of her back! It's too late to put it back in its place since skin has grown surrounding it but it's still popping out. Her bone is literally exposed with nothing covering it. I don't want to put her down and there's no vets in our area. Can someone please give any ideas? Will she heal or be limping for the rest of her life? If she ends up limping for the rest of her life might as well put her down :(
A compound fracture where the bone has pieced the skin and is exposed is not an injury your bird will recover from without professional treatment...and you say its been a month? Put the animal down...a painful long drawn out death from infections and worse is no way to go...please do the right thing and end this animals suffering...
A compound fracture where the bone has pieced the skin and is exposed is not an injury your bird will recover from without professional treatment...and you say its been a month? Put the animal down...a painful long drawn out death from infections and worse is no way to go...please do the right thing and end this animals suffering...

She was attacked a month ago and was healing, then I guess our rooster hopped onto her or something which probably fractured her since our rooster is still learning how to mate. I don't remember ever feeling a bone on her back right after she got attacked. But if it were to recover, how long do you think it may take?
I have only your words to work with here, but given your description of the injury and the birds current condition I would put the bird down. That being said, I'm finding your description a bit hard to follow in any way that makes sense, perhaps you can post a photo of your bird showing the injury so we can better understand what is going on?
Can you tell me how this issue resolved? Do you have a picture? I have a hen that was attacked. She has what appears to be a bone sticking out. I want to make sure that's what it is before I have her put down :(
She somehow popped her one back into place, I have no idea how it happened, I looked at her the next day and the bone was no longer sticking out, all she had left was a wound. She's still alive and well, she limps, but it kinda looks funny when she runs around with a crooked leg

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