My chicken has weird yellow gunk in her mouth! Is this canker?


In the Brooder
6 Years
My chickens throat was throbbing and she was puffy. Oh and she had foam in her mouth. We gave her tylenol and her puffiness went away but her throat still throbbed. After a day i checked her mouth again. It had no foam but it had weird yellow stuff in it. Is it canker? Heres a few pics: Ignore the dirty tank lol
If it is canker what is the best recommended medicine for her and where can i get it?


Canker, Trichomoniasis

Canker is caused by a flagellate protozoan. It is not transmitable to humans or other mammals but can be caught by other birds that share the same water, eat seed dropped by an afflicted pigeon or through beak-to-beak contact.
The most common symptom is a yellow or brownish cheeselike growth in the mouth.
This will usually be far back in the mouth...yellow growths outside the body or in the very front of the beak are not likely to be canker.
The photo on the left is a pigeon's mouth before being treated for canker. The photo below is the same pigeon after treatment.

These are the most common symptoms of canker:


Not all these symptoms will be present in each case. The symptoms appear 6 days after infection.

  • Visible lump in the neck or navel area.
  • Stretched skin over site of lesion.
  • Cheesy growth in mouth or throat.
  • Patches of baldness around neck and mouth .
  • Slow blinking
  • Ruffled feathers
  • Loose watery droppings
  • Excessive thirst
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of weight

Not all these symptoms will be visible in each patient:

  • Visible lump in neck or vent
  • Firm yellow or brown cheesy mass in back of mouth
  • Soft flat creamy white growths in throat
  • Inability to swallow seed
  • Mouth may be partially open
  • Birds stand upright with head high and neck straight (penguin posture)
  • Crop full of water
  • Distortion or swelling of forehead (if sinuses have been invaded)
  • Vomiting
  • Increased mucous in the throat
The condition must be treated, otherwise the pigeon will die of starvation, asphyxiation or choking or through the effect of nodules invading internal organs such as the liver.
It is important not to try to remove any of the growth unless you know what you are doing as this can cause a fatal bleed.
The condition is treated with Flagyl Syrup (obtained by veterinary prescription) or by Spartrix ,which can be obtained without prescription and given at a dose of 1 tablet once a day for 3 to 5 days. While it is being treated the pigeon might not be able to swallow but staff at a wildlife sanctuary should be able to find a way to tube feed it Critical Care Formula or Poly-Aid, which is a product designed to stop sick pigeons from starving. The canker will usually clear up completely within 10 days as this "after" photo of the pigeon pictured above shows.
Canker is an organism that does not survive long outside the digestive tract and its associated organs so you won't find canker of the foot or anything similar. If you think a pigeon has canker of the foot it is more likely to be pigeon pox or scaly leg mite!
Looks like mine that have wet pox. FYI, I don't think chickens are supposed to get Tylenol.

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Sometimes it is hard to tell canker from wet fowl pox. Are there any fowl pox scabs on your chicken's comb, wattles, or face? Metronidazole or flagyl is the treatment for canker if you think it is that. You can buy it online if you google it. Pox is a virus, and has to run it's course while canker is a fungus. Baby aspirin can be given to chickens, but not Tylenol.
Treatment for canker is no less than 30mg/kg (30mg per 2.2 pounds) metronidazole (Flagyl, Fish-Zole or Meditrich) by mouth for five days.


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