My chicken in question turned out to be a roo! Strange behavior now...


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 7, 2011
Covington, WA
I am so confused now, but excited at the same time. My silver laced Wyandotte, Sonar, turned out to be a roo! The whole group of 11 are 13 weeks now, he is crowing good now (sounded like an injured dog before) and last night he started "grabbing" the girls on the nape of the neck, startling the girls. It didn't matter if they were standing or laying down? What's going on, and is it normal?
penguin13.hw :

I am so confused now, but excited at the same time. My silver laced Wyandotte, Sonar, turned out to be a roo! The whole group of 11 are 13 weeks now, he is crowing good now (sounded like an injured dog before) and last night he started "grabbing" the girls on the nape of the neck, startling the girls. It didn't matter if they were standing or laying down? What's going on, and is it normal?

Sounds like he's starting to feel his hormones. He will probably try to mount them next, although he seems a bit young for that yet. I saw my 18 week old do that for a few days before he actually mounted a hen.​
Thanks a bunch, I hope he figures it out when they do. Its the worst noise when they are startled. At least I know now that it's somewhat normal. I will keep everyone posted as they all mature.
Once the pullets get on the same page, are mature enough to lay eggs, the fuss will usually end. Chicken matings take five seconds, literally.
He's heard about the 'act' and is trying to figure out how it is achieved. He's a Normal dumb teenage rooster.
Oh, don'tcha just hate that?! I have a Polish cockerel who has started doing that, and he tries with the younger pullets who are nowhere near being ready to mate. They scream like he's some sort of rapist! Poor little girls........

He's really frustrated because the one pullet who is the same age as him will just scream and run away, so he takes it out on the younger ones......

I feel like putting him in a "time out"!

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