Alright I finally just gave her the capsule so now I'll wait a little bit and massage her again. I think that the coconut oil itself helped a lot! I think it's starting to slide down but I gave her the pill just in case I just couldn't feel the mass. If this works, when can I feed her? She's so skinny and I have to give her water through a syringe and I just want her to get better asap, if she pulls through.
That's extremely encouraging! Keep massaging until you feel the crop empty. Then you may begin offering her food again. Since there's no surgical wound, I don't see why she can't have something like cooked oatmeal. That would exercise the crop as well as get moisture into her. She should be plenty thirsty, though, after this ordeal. I would add a touch of ACV to her water to encourage good flora in her crop.

Watch her carefully for a few days. When a crop gets impacted, it sets up the environment for yeast infection. Feel her crop morning and evening to be sure it's not stagnating with yeast growth.

My hen who had the impaction I spoke about also had a raging yeast infection. The smell was the worst, like a backed up garbage disposal. That requires several days on miconazole if that should occur.
She still has some small pieces of what I think are wood shavings still stuck in there. The feathers are out though!! Since the wood probably won't be able to go through, I should still do the surgery right? She also has quite a few small pebble-y things in there, but they're small so I'm thinking that it's grit. Should I worry about making sure that that is emptied out as well?
Great job! I'm sure your girl is feeling much better, and if she hasn't noticeably perked up yet, she soon will.

I would ignore the remainder of the crop contents for now. As I mentioned, she will require close observation over the next few days to monitor for any yeast development. I would offer her cooked oatmeal, minced boiled egg as a separate offering, and plenty of fresh water. Don't force her. She may pick at the food at first but she'll likely be very thirsty.

Watch her poops. If they continue runny and white, yeast may be forming. Have some miconazole on hand in case.

I believe the rest of the crop contents will work their way on out after she resumes eating and drinking. Let's take it a day at a time for now, and be grateful the troublesome mass is gone.
my month old chicken got really weak and unbalanced one night after taking a giant dump. i went out and bought it some liquid vitamin mix. added a small amount of that and some molasses to the drinking water and it took 5 dumps in a row after falling asleep for a bit. has been 100% healthy for the past month since but it was looking really bad for a bit
Great job! I'm sure your girl is feeling much better, and if she hasn't noticeably perked up yet, she soon will.

I would ignore the remainder of the crop contents for now. As I mentioned, she will require close observation over the next few days to monitor for any yeast development. I would offer her cooked oatmeal, minced boiled egg as a separate offering, and plenty of fresh water. Don't force her. She may pick at the food at first but she'll likely be very thirsty.

Watch her poops. If they continue runny and white, yeast may be forming. Have some miconazole on hand in case.

I believe the rest of the crop contents will work their way on out after she resumes eating and drinking. Let's take it a day at a time for now, and be grateful the troublesome mass is gone.
I think she's too weak to eat on her own... how should I go about feeding her?
Check out the Team Tube Feeding thread. Liquids first though. That is very vital. First feeding should be water/vitamins/electrolytes. Warm not cold. Try for 20-30ml at first and see how that goes. If she's too weak to eat, you need to get fluids and nutrients into her so she gains strength. You've been doing an amazing job!
I've been giving her about 2.5-5 mL of water like every hour since she's so sleepy. I don't have any electrolytes yet, but I have been giving her a few drops of nutridrench with her water twice a day. It says to do 1 mL for every 3 lbs of body weight, but she only weighs 1.5 lbs. I don't want to overdose her either.

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