My chicken is honking


6 Years
Apr 11, 2017
About a week ago my chicken started making a honking sound. It started out only occasionally but now it has become very frequent and very loud with a breathy sound afterward. There is no nasal or eye discharge. She eats and drinks fine. She is active and seems normal except for the honking. Any ideas of what could be wrong?
Do you have a short video of her doing this? Videos must be uploaded to a site such as YouTube or Vimeo, and a link posted here. Have you checked inside her beak and throat for any mucus or material, and checked her nostrils for any dried secretions?
That could possibly be what it is. As far as I can tell there is no illness indicators. I have checked her nose, eyes, and beak. No signs of injury. Have not been able to get a video of her yet. She does have plenty of shade and access to food and clean water. Will keep a watch on her. Thanks!
About a week ago my chicken started making a honking sound. It started out only occasionally but now it has become very frequent and very loud with a breathy sound afterward. There is no nasal or eye discharge. She eats and drinks fine. She is active and seems normal except for the honking. Any ideas of what could be wrong?
What happened to your honking chixken? I have one who is honking alot right now.

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