My chicken is sick


Jul 28, 2019
Ok so I have this one chicken who is usually super flighty. Today I came home and did my normal rounds and she is just laying here. She can get up but is slow to move and does not run to stop me from picking her up.

Her vent is clear, if anything pale and her crop seems empty.

Any advice?

No visible injuries
I would isolate the bird if it looks sick to avoid disease transmission to your other birds and also to keep them from picking on it.
How old is she and when did she last lay eggs? Can you look her over for mites and lice? Is she pooping, and what do droppings look like? Do you have Poultry NutriDrench or electrolytes that you can give her with water? Offer some up to her beak with a scoop or cup. Cooked egg, wet chicken feed, and wet cat food may be offered to get fluids into her. Are the other chickens picking on her or ignoring her?
How old is she and when did she last lay eggs? Can you look her over for mites and lice? Is she pooping, and what do droppings look like? Do you have Poultry NutriDrench or electrolytes that you can give her with water? Offer some up to her beak with a scoop or cup. Cooked egg, wet chicken feed, and wet cat food may be offered to get fluids into her. Are the other chickens picking on her or ignoring her?
She’s about 7 months old and the last egg I saw from her was about a week ago. But I’m not sure that she hasn’t laid since then since her and one other hen decided to start picking random spots in the woods. She was like that when I came home, the other hens were just going about their usual business. No notes or lice, pushing fluids and electrolytes, I tried to give her egg and she took only a couple little bites, but gobbled up some mealworms last night.

Her poop smells terrible and it’s a yellowish chinky color, I am almost certain she has yolk peritonitis. I went and got some antibiotics last night, this morning she was atleast standing and not laying, but unfortunately I had to go to work. I just hope she’s still alive when I get home.
I would check her crop to feel if it is hard or soft, or puffy/boggy. If anything in her droppings look like broken egg matter, cooked eggs, then she may have a reproductive problem. Sometimes they can lay shell-less eggs or have one break inside, and it makes them feel very weak for a day or two. I would try to make sure that she is getting enough fluids. Hopefully, she just has some temporary illness.
I would check her crop to feel if it is hard or soft, or puffy/boggy. If anything in her droppings look like broken egg matter, cooked eggs, then she may have a reproductive problem. Sometimes they can lay shell-less eggs or have one break inside, and it makes them feel very weak for a day or two. I would try to make sure that she is getting enough fluids. Hopefully, she just has some temporary illness.
Her crop feels empty to me. It does look like egg matter of sorts and smells terrible. I’m hoping she pulls through, I’ve grow quite fond of her even though she tries to sleep in trees
You could give her 1/2 calcium tablet or Tums for a couple of days to help pass any egg contents if she is having problems with a shell-less or broken egg. Some people use antibiotics such as amoxicillin or enrofloxacin, available online for fish or pigeons to treat reproductive infection. It may or may not help, especially if it is advanced. A vet who knows chickens could be helpful. Pictures of her droppings are welcome.
You could give her 1/2 calcium tablet or Tums for a couple of days to help pass any egg contents if she is having problems with a shell-less or broken egg. Some people use antibiotics such as amoxicillin or enrofloxacin, available online for fish or pigeons to treat reproductive infection. It may or may not help, especially if it is advanced. A vet who knows chickens could be helpful. Pictures of her droppings are welcome.

This was from last night it’s aboit the same today. I’ve started her on antibiotics last night night she has had her second dose. Today she seems worse difficulty standing and keeping her eyes open. I can’t get her to eat anything but have been making her drink.


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Does the dropping seem to have yellow urates (normally the white part of droppings?) Is her lower belly between her legs enlarged at all? Is there any food that she normally really likes? Mine will eat chopped scrambled egg even when sick.

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