My chicken is sick!


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
My chicken is sick. She is a plymouth rock (or dominique, cant tell) and she has a twisted foot. I am in southern California. One night we moved her to the garage because it was cold outside. She was perfectly fine at the time. The next day I found that one eye was sealed shut, the other was but a slit. She could not eat food. She can still get up, but when she tries to walk, she falls. Please help! I can not get a picture of her right now, but there is one of her before the sickness.
Greetings from Kansas, Iownchickens, and
! Pleased you joined our community but sorry to hear about your gimpy chick. I'm no chicken vet but I think you should try to really limit her movement - keep her in a confined area. Also post your concerns in the link below. Good luck to you!!
if you contact one of the moderators - they will do it for you. I think the moderator that pops up on this thread uses the name Sumi.

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