My chicken ran away to escape suddenly, and we cannot find her. Is she running away from the flock so she can die?

Du ck

Jun 24, 2022
My chicken was part of a flock of 9 other birds and was healthy and happy (or so we thought) but was a little skittish always. She seemed to be eating fine but one day when we opened the doors to get the eggs that they lay in the main coop, she bolted through our legs and into the yard! We didn’t see where she went fully but we cannot find her. We have tried luring her out with treats which she always used to run towards, and we let out the other chickens to see if she would rejoin them. At night, she and all the other chickens put themselves to bed in the coop so we thought she would come back but she has not! We haven’t found any sign or a predator, So I feel like the only explanation is that she ran away. It seems very unusual for her to behave like that. Does anybody have any input as to why she did this?
We haven’t found any sign or a predator, So I feel like the only explanation is that she ran away. It seems very unusual for her to behave like that. Does anybody have any input as to why she did this?
Welcome to BYC! :frow

Chickens are creatures of habit that generally do everything to get back with their flock if separated and also of prey so they will do everything to fit in. They don't run away to die.. when they are dying they don't have enough energy to run away. They are lethargic and non responsive.

Their version of that would be segregating.. staying, on roost, or in the lay box and/or coop.

They will bolt from a bully, but not usually disappear.

Predators often leave ZERO trace if she was gotten by something on her outing.

Did they free range enough to have nest she was hiding and in a hurry to get back to.. as someone mentioned.. that can be common behavior seen in broody hens. I have had hens disappear to hidden nests and then show up or be found.

Hope she turns up soon! :fl
My chicken was part of a flock of 9 other birds and was healthy and happy (or so we thought) but was a little skittish always. She seemed to be eating fine but one day when we opened the doors to get the eggs that they lay in the main coop, she bolted through our legs and into the yard! We didn’t see where she went fully but we cannot find her. We have tried luring her out with treats which she always used to run towards, and we let out the other chickens to see if she would rejoin them. At night, she and all the other chickens put themselves to bed in the coop so we thought she would come back but she has not! We haven’t found any sign or a predator, So I feel like the only explanation is that she ran away. It seems very unusual for her to behave like that. Does anybody have any input as to why she did this?
Tell us more about the situation.
Do you have a run or do they normally free range?

How old are these birds(in weeks or months) and how long have you had them?

How big is your coop(in feet by feet)?
Dimensions and pics would help here.

Oh, and... Welcome to BYC! @Du ck
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