My chicken sang the egg song!

Wow. Some of ya'll, (yep I'm from the south), pay a lot more attention to your chickens than I do. I go out once a day, feed, water and check for eggs. Sometimes late in the afternoon/evening if the weather is not too hot, I'll go out and have my chicken therapy. I sit in a lawn chair and watch them do their chicken business. It really is a great de-stresser. But otherwise I just let them 'do their thang'.
We got our first eggs yesterday and today. Pretty sure it was the same white Plymouth Rock both days, today's was about half the size of yesterday. I heard them sing the egg song for the first time tonight after they went in for the night. I think all 13 hens joined in at the same time, it was crazy loud!
One of my girls sang for about 2 weeks and today she layed her first egg!! I was so eggcited!! :D
Thanks so much for posting. I wondered exactly how the egg song sounded and now I feel better prepared while I continue to learn.
I GOT MINE TODAY!!!!!! YAY, YAY, YAY! Can you tell I'm excited?

It's soo tiny and cute. She even did it in the right spot! So proud! :D
It seemed like for mine that one they sang the egg song, it was about 2 weeks until they laid. So far I have 3/13 laying. 3 more have started singing it so I'm waiting impatiently lol
I got my first egg yesterday, but nothing today.... Didn't hear the egg song, and have been waiting and listening all day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for first thing in the morning :) Come On Cinnamon... you can do it!!!

When my pullets first started laying, they would lay every other day for a while and then settled in to an egg almost every day. Often when one of my hens sings her egg song the rooster and some of the other hens all join in!
Wow! You got a big one! How old is your girl?

Mine is 17 weeks and 3 days. Which might be why she's starting out so tiny?

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