My chicken setup

Is all your run wiring chicken wire?? Lovin the overall build but chicken fencing just keeps birds in, does not keep any predators out. May want to consider switching to hardware cloth if it isn't already. Hard to tell in the pics. Thanks for sharing!
It is chicken wire. No problem so far. Even the floor of the run is chicken wire, under the sand. This is close to the house, in an open field, except for the few pines that are providing shade. We will watch for predators, though. I think snakes are the only thing that could get in there.
Alrighty, totally up to you. Raccoons, weasels and rat snakes are just three quick things that come to mind that could potentially penetrate that setup. Good luck!
It is chicken wire. No problem so far. Even the floor of the run is chicken wire, under the sand. This is close to the house, in an open field, except for the few pines that are providing shade. We will watch for predators, though. I think snakes are the only thing that could get in there.
It is chicken wire. No problem so far. Even the floor of the run is chicken wire, under the sand. This is close to the house, in an open field, except for the few pines that are providing shade. We will watch for predators, though. I think snakes are the only thing that could get in there.
Chicken wire keeps chickens in and keeps nothing out. Many more things that snakes will be able to get in there. But, it's totally up to you. Some people raise many flocks with just chicken wire and no problems. Others learn from their mistakes.
Chicken wire: Only purpose is to keep chickens in. It will NOT keep any other animal out. Coyotes and raccoons could rip through it. Other animals could chew it.

Warning: Get ready for some eaten birds.


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