My Chickens Are Eating Their Own Eggs

Agree, they are eating the eggs for protein. It takes a huge amount of nutrition to produce an egg and you've got to give that amount plus extra back to the hens. This time of year it is really important since it is prime molting time. This month iv'e even purchased eggs for the chickens to eat just due to the extra demand on their systems. If I had not done this I probably wouldn't receive the one to two eggs the ladies can provide at the moment they'd have eaten them even with layer always out they're just that sapped.
I guess I don't understand. You don't feed them during egg production season, but feed them during the winter? They don't need a layer ration if they aren't laying in winter. Offering a grower or all flock with a higher protein is better to help them recover.

You birds are probably severely deficient in many things. They need a good ration year round. They cannot find all they need out foraging in most instances and still produce eggs on a regular basis. I free range my birds too but I always keep the bowls full. Free ranging doesn't mean no extra feed. Your birds are eating eggs because they are probably hungry.
Yeah, this makes sense. I'll start doing this. Thanks for your help! Also, how much food should i give them a day?
I put out how much mine will eat in 24 hours. Takes a bit to figure that amount out. Some feeders you just fill and keep topping off.
Yeah, this makes sense. I'll start doing this. Thanks for your help! Also, how much food should i give them a day?

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