My chickens are killers...not really...well a little!


Coop Constructist
11 Years
Jun 23, 2008
a house
I came home to find a dead mole/vole in the run. I can post pics a little bit later. I checked and there isnt any holes in the body, just missing hair. It is a big mole or whatever it is!
I've seen my free rangers with frogs, lizards, snakes and the occassional foolish mole. I had to pull a toad out of my best layer's mouth. She would eat the dogs if she could.
LOL, that is not unusual. Most chickens will peck at anything that moves within reason. My cat, Beepers, is never safe around my Wyandottes when I turn them out. He flattens out to try and hide and they torment him anyway. It's actually quite comical.
dad says tat if you stay still long enough that they would eat you too!
i do not think so,but i rescue the tree frogs,toads,and when a bird hits the window i make sure it is not stunned because i think they would eat it too! i do hunt ants and grasshoppers for them to eat, it is fun to watch them hunt the grasshopper down while it try's to hop away.

we should have a sign that says:
chickens, the ultimate pest control! better than cats and dogs anyday! plus they give you eggs!
I've seen my BA eating a mouse--actually saw the mouse rump and tail as it was swallowed!

And I've seen my RIR eat a salamander--another ick!

Caught my roo with a mole one day and he wasn't sharing with the girls, either--must have been quite tasty!
My big girls have killed two stupid mice that dared stray into their tractor. All 6 of them attacked it almost made me feel sorry for the mouse.

Good girls getting rid of the varmits.
My roo had got mad when he found a kitten in his coop. He raised the alarm and then a went in there and then he came out with a kittens tail in his mouth dragging it! Luckly the kitten got under the fence where he couldn't go. I don't know what would of happend to the kitten.

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