My Chickens are terrified of me

Lots of treats like the others said works well! Mine like bread, shredded cheese, cooked eggs and shells, mac and cheese, any meat, crackers, cookies, watermellon, greens, and most leftovers! I just call them "chicky chicky chickies!" and they allllll come running. :)
Woah, thank you everybody. I tried the raisins and they worked wonders! My little girls love me now. They are curious about us when they are free ranging, they are loving, and they love those raisins!!
Light Brahmas are normally very people friendly. Yours weren't socialized to people, though, at the formative age. During that first week, they imprint on humans when hand raised.

But it's never too late. Brahmas are also noted for their intense fondness of food in all forms. So that's definitely the doorway to their hearts.

I would visit the pen several times a day, sitting on the ground so you're at their level. Toss the treats out at first to get them to associate you with food, but then hold it in your hands and make them come to you from then on. As they eat from your hand, gradually get them used to being touched. They'll soon associate being touched with the pleasure of eating treats. Soon they'll be all over you, as Brahmas enjoy closeness and cuddling. Make no sudden movements until they come to trust you, though.

Raisins, tomatoes, watermelon, BOSS, grated carrots, are all huge favorites. Meal worms can get expensive.
I have 5 Bantam Brahmas that are 5 weeks old now, they freak out when they see any person. They actually were raised in the house, in their own box, for the first 3 weeks, then in a large trough for a week, now in a small run and house. I think I will try raisins also and see if it helps, my 4 week old wyandottes are with them and they freak out too, maybe it'll help on all of them. Thanks,
It takes time but they will figure out your their care taker & eventually come running to you when they see you coming. They know the hand that feeds them.

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