My chickens aren't laying as much as they used to


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 1, 2010
I have 7 red sex links and I use to be able to get 5-7 eggs a day, lately I've been getting 2-3 eggs everyday (I got them when they were pullets last october). I am a bit worried that I am doing something wrong. I feed them purina layena pellets and black oil sunflowers seeds everyday. They have a separate bowl that has grit on one side and oyster shell on the other. I also make sure they have plenty of water. I feed them treats such as corn, bread, rice, boiled eggs (once in a while), bugs. I don't go overboard with treats because I want to make sure they are eating enough pellets. I let them outside everyday to free range. So what could be the problem? And today one chicken has been in the next box all day trying to lay an egg, atleast 6-7 hours she has been in there. I'm really worried about her. Like I said they have oyster shell but maybe they need more than that? I do save their egg shells and crush them up mix them with their treats. Let me know what you think is wrong. I will be checking this thread throughout the day so if you have any advice please post. Oh forgot to mention that I put my hand under the hen in the nest box and didn't feel any egg.
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Im having the same problem. I have 26 that are in their first year of laying. I had been getting atleast a dozen a day and now I only get one or two every couple days.

It sounds like the one that has been in the box all day might be trying to go broody.
Some ideas:
You say you got them as pullets last October, but exactly how old are they? Could it be time for a molt?

Also, you free range some. Could they be hiding eggs in secret nests?

RE: The hen in the nestbox all day. Very unusual for a sex link to go broody but not unheard of. Have you checked her for being eggbound? The production breeds are more prone to it. Do a search here on BYC, using the keyword "eggbound" to learn about how to check her for that.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Good luck.
I'm confusing myself, I didn't get them last October I got them the October 2009. I got them when they were 17 weeks old. They started laying at 22-24 weeks. I looked all over the yard and did not find any eggs ( only once last year did I find an egg under the tree next to my house). She got out of the coop today and was walking around as usual, went inside to get some corn for my birds and when I came out she didn't respond like she normally does (corn is her fav. treat). She didn't even touch the corn while my other hens rushed right in. She did eat a few pellets today and took a few sips of water earlier, now she is under a bush next to my house and is just sitting there. I felt under her again and did not feel an egg. She had this sort of problem last year but I took her to a vet and they just gave her some albon because they were unsure what was wrong (they took an x-ray and nothing was wrong and they tested her for worms which she had coccidiosis ) and then she was better the next day. The vet said the worms were not the case because all chickens had them(not sure if this is true), she said the worms are in the dirt. I just searched google and it says this about albon -Used as treatment of bacterial pneumonia & respiratory infections. I called around town and no one here sells albon, unless I take her to the vet which I don't have any extra cash right now unless I borrow it
I don't really want to spend that much to get a tiny bottle of albon (last trip cost over $100). Is there anywhere I can order it online? Today I did get three eggs unsure if any are from her.
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I'm confusing myself, I didn't get them last October I got them the October 2009. I got them when they were 17 weeks old. They started laying at 22-24 weeks. I looked all over the yard and did not find any eggs ( only once last year did I find an egg under the tree next to my house). She got out of the coop today and was walking around as usual, went inside to get some corn for my birds and when I came out she didn't respond like she normally does (corn is her fav. treat). She didn't even touch the corn while my other hens rushed right in. She did eat a few pellets today and took a few sips of water earlier, now she is under a bush next to my house and is just sitting there. I felt under her again and did not feel an egg. She had this sort of problem last year but I took her to a vet and they just gave her some albon because they were unsure what was wrong (they took an x-ray and nothing was wrong and they tested her for worms which she had coccidiosis ) and then she was better the next day. The vet said the worms were not the case because all chickens had them(not sure if this is true), she said the worms are in the dirt. I just searched google and it says this about albon -Used as treatment of bacterial pneumonia & respiratory infections. I called around town and no one here sells albon, unless I take her to the vet which I don't have any extra cash right now unless I borrow it
I don't really want to spend that much to get a tiny bottle of albon (last trip cost over $100). Is there anywhere I can order it online? Today I did get three eggs unsure if any are from her.

Check out Jeffers livestock. They sell poultry needs quite reasonably and their shipping is very fast. They sell the albon, but also this di-methrox that according to the description treats much the same thing:

I buy most of my pets - dogs, cats and chickens - needs from them.

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