My Chickens Beak Cracked.


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2020
One of my 7 month year old chickens has cracked her beak. I noticed that it cracked after I heard very loud squawking. It has been around 20 minutes and looks like she is not in a long of pain. What should I do to make her feel better and help it heal?? Thank you.
It will eventually grow out. It may be very sore and tender, if she's reluctant to eat then mixing her feed in some water to make a mash will help. It will dry up and harden over a few days and then will not be so sore. As it grows out, if there are any very sharp bits that could get caught on something you may need to file those down. If you have large rocks or concrete blocks in your run, then she can do it on her own, and you may need to do nothing, but wait for it go grow out. This happens sometimes when they are trying to get something on the other side of wire, or if it gets caught on a feeder or waterer. Or in the case of cockerels, a fight.
I personally would leave it alone as long as it's not actively bleeding. I only treat them if they are bleeding a lot, or it's in need of being stabilized, like a break way up, or a crack going lengthwise that is getting worse. As long as she's eating and drinking, it should be fine. Beaks grow slowly, but it will grow out.

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