My chickens have been pecking eachother?!


7 Years
Oct 26, 2012
I own four chickens in a suitable sized coop and yard and after owning them for around one month and a bit, they have begun pecking each other, It began with only one of the chickens pecking two of the other chickens but now it has escalated to two of the chickens, pecking the other two. I recently went to a country show and was told by the poultry owners there that she was trying to be the 'rooster' of the group. I really have no idea what to do! I've separated some for a day or two and I've sprayed food dye to change their minds about pecking but I just don't know what to do. They've lost a great deal of feathers and one specific chicken was bleeding terribly just before. I don't know how to fix it and getting rid of them isn't an option for myself. But if you think thats what I need to do, you're allowed to post it :) I will go to alot of lengths to stop this. They're laying hens, Isola breed. They're also around the same size

Thankyou for any answers in advance!! :)
If you watch them for a while you may be able to identify the bully of the group - usually the one that is not being picked on. Separate her for a week to allow the other 3 to establish a new pecking order. When you re-introduce her, watch closely for any return of the pecking.

I would suggest blue kote on their wounds to help heal them and discourage further picking.
If you watch them for a while you may be able to identify the bully of the group - usually the one that is not being picked on. Separate her for a week to allow the other 3 to establish a new pecking order. When you re-introduce her, watch closely for any return of the pecking.
I would suggest blue kote on their wounds to help heal them and discourage further picking.
One note for the Blue Kote - don't do this with clothes you can't let go of. Learned this the hard way! Stuff works miracles though. Bought it for a hen who had severe rooster damage (cuts extremely wide and deep). Healed it faster than I ever imagined!!
You should isolate anyone that is bleeding as chickens are prone to cannibalism. Small flocks can be difficult to manage. Try the blue kore and if that doesn't work you may need to get rid of the feather picker as they will all be feather pickers before you know it. I have heard people had good success with sprinkling cat food on the ground, dim lights and more free range time.

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