My chickens have colds:(

How do you know if a chicken has a virus like Herpes. You mentioned knowing what that means? I have one chicken on antibiotics, now another is acting like it has a "cold", though I understand they don't get colds. Just tired eyes, not socializing, not really eating.
How do you know if a chicken has a virus like Herpes. You mentioned knowing what that means? I have one chicken on antibiotics, now another is acting like it has a "cold", though I understand they don't get colds. Just tired eyes, not socializing, not really eating.
You probably need to add more details of your chickens condition such as age, where she came from, as well as what she eats, if there is sneezing, rattles, nasal drainage, and if there is diarrhea. Chicken respiratory diseases are viruses, bacterial, and mycoplasmas. What antibiotic are you giving? Did you see symptoms shortly after bringing in a new bird? Chickens also get Mareks disease which is a herpes virus. Here is a good link to read on common diseases:
Hi, I have a black araucana and she seems to be having the symptoms of a cold. I noticed slight wheezing, runny nose, sneezing and my mum believes she's been 'coughing'. Could she have Infectious Coryza? Im not sure but can someone please post some possible illnesses and maybe a website were I can read up about it? I have a sulfa drug that supposedly helps with the coryza but I don't want to use it just in case I mistake her disease. Please help!!!
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The symptoms you describe could be coryza, and it usually has a bad odor. Sulfa antibiotics may help treat symptoms, but coryza is a chronic disease. She will be a carrier, and your other flock members may be as well. Be sure to follow directions of your sulfa medication of how much and how long to give, since they can be hard on the kidneys. Read this link for details about coryza, MG, infectious bronchitis, and some of the other respiratory diseases:
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Thank you so much Eggcessive! I do have sulfa drugs so i guess i'll see if she does it again cause she did stop for a while but if she starts coughing again i treat her. Thanks!

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