My chickens haven't laid an egg in months - what's up??

Have you checked for mites? Mine stopped laying in June for like a month
and a friend told me to worm them and to treat for mites.
I did and within a week they were laying again. Of course don't eat
the eggs for like 14 days after worming, now I am getting at least 12 a day.
That's a good thought. Maybe I'lla dd some cayenne to their food to worm them. Does DE work for worming, as well?
That's a good thought. Maybe I'lla dd some cayenne to their food to worm them. Does DE work for worming, as well?

Talk about opening a can-o-worms!! There are soooo many threads here about using DE as a wormer, and cayenne, and pumpkin seeds, and lotsa other 'home' remedies. Sometimes it gets VERY technical, down to the chemical properties of those items and what affect they can or cant have. The debates still rage on......

In the end, those things sure cant hurt and you can use them as you wish. However, if you want to be totally, 100% sure you have wormed and 'de-mited' (not sure if thats a real word
you should use a wormer that is labeled as a wormer, and poultry dust (sevin) to control mites.

I still think your pullets are just too young still, coupled with time of year, air temps, and stress of a new enviroment. Can you post some pics of the combs , wattles and whole birds? Pics can help us determine age and possibly if they are moulting.
My husband went to the market and bought me 4 new Hens for my Birthday when I saw them I was shocked Their appearance was awful They were badly pecked on chest - neck and they had red raw featherless bottoms that was 4 months ago They were pecked and bullied by my other birds although I did keep them apart for a couple of weeks when I finally mixed them in with the flock a couple of bullies were having a go the whole time they were jumping on their backs holding them down and were viciously pecking the back of their necks I separated them and put them in another housing and run and they have been there now for a couple of months But feathers have not grown back and they have never laid any eggs they just eat and poop and are happy I did douse them in De for mites and always treat them with a special layers treated with wormer which I buy on line I would like to put them back with the main flock but as I have said feathers have not grown back and they would just be a target when the others see red

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