My chicks are dieing!

Would you mind saying where you got them from? We often will get cornishX for meat and I would never want to buy from that company. I honestly never knew about the whole GMO parents thing...where do you find out more about that?

By 1 month old cornishXs look basically full grown. That is awful.

Where do you buy your Freedom Rangers? You are the 2nd person to tell me about them. I read about them in Mother Earth, I think.

I bought the 25 cornish cross chicks from McMurray Hatchery. Here is their reply to my email to them. They did refund my money less the shipping fee for all 25 chicks.

McMurray's answer to my inquiry as to why my chicks were dieing starting at the age of 3 weeks, when I had done everything according to their instructions. I had the chicks vaccinated at hatch, I fed them quality feed & water, pulled their feed each afternoon, etc.

Hi Nancy,
We purchase our Cornish Rock eggs from a company who specializes in meat bird crosses. We do not do any of our crosses here at MMH. We would assume they are being fed GMO products.
Our best dual purpose birds sold here are the White and Black Giants. They are a heritage breed / all of our parent flocks are Non-GMO.

So I feel comfortable ordering from McMurray, knowing that their parent flocks are non-gmo. However, I won't ever order any type of Meat Cross birds from them again.

Hope that helps with your decisions too.
thanks for sharing. totally depressing but good info.

not sure how to live gmo free in this country. too bad we don't have some of the consumer protections that most european countries have regarding food labeling and prohibiting gmo foods.

I wrote to the Freedom Ranger hatchery and asked about their GMO use, here is their reply. This may help others make their decisions. Wow, is all I can say to this. We, as people, must make our own choices, but we must educate ourselves too. I think that all hatcheries should make it known that the parent chicks are either "non-GMO" or "GMO"! I think this will happen in the next couple of years. People are waking up slowly. GMO is bad for us and our pets, end of story.

So, I will BUY ONLY GMO-free chicks out of GMO-free parent hens. I have learned my lesson the hard way. I hope no one else goes through what I have gone through.


I’m sorry, our parent stock is not GMO free. We did offer GMO free chicks this spring, but there was not enough interest in the chicks to keep doing it. Many of our customers do raise these chicks organically and GMO free and have good results. That’s the best I can offer at present!

Thanks & God bless,

Lisa Detweiler
Freedom Ranger Hatchery, Inc.
(717) 336-4878
[email protected]
While I am not at all happy about GMO products either, I would not assume that that is the problem. If it was, all the chicks from eggs that this company sells would be having the same problem.
I have thought about that too, and I am wondering IF they have had that problem. How to find out is the question.

I don't know what is going on with my chicks, but I do know that I have learned something that I did not have a clue about a month ago. That GMO fed parents are going to have GMO chicks, and in a 1-2 year generation those chickens will be sterile, and won't be able to reproduce. There are studies out on this. I was just talking to a person this week about that.

Blew my mind. So, with humans, it will be the same thing, only it will take longer for them to become sterile. The study I was talking about with a woman who is very knowledgeable about GMO, said that they have proven facts that pigs that are fed GMO feeds, will become sterile within 2-4 years after ingesting the GMO products/feed.


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