My chicks are two weeks old and just went outside!!! ( Picture Heavy )


11 Years
Mar 2, 2008
Gibsonville, NC
Yesterday my chicks went outside for the first time, they like being outside alot better that being in a rubbermaid container. Here they are!






My hens were going crazy in the background.





Any guess on which are boys and girls. My ameracana has got some blue coloring.
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They look very healthy and so cute. Mine are only five days old so I have to be patient...I'm looking forward to their first day out in the yard. Hopefully in a couple weeks things will have dried out again, it's very wet and windy here right now.
I want to get them out yesterday since it was in the 80's just about. These are my first chicks since last year.
My little rooster ( I hope ) got to rejoin the flock five days ago after having spraddle leg. Good luck with your chicks. There is a dominiker, SWL, BLH, ameracana, and a buff oprington.
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I wasn't sure about taking them out at first because a few days ago a dog that killed 4 of our roosters and one young hen was up here again ( We think he might be rabid ). But every thing went fine I just have to watch them real close. How old are your chicks and where did you get them from?
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Mine were born on Monday. I bought five Buff Orpingtons that are unfortunatly straight run, so I don't know what I have yet. I also bought a Silver Laced Wyandotte and I'm going to get a Gold Laced Wyandotte this weekend. I already have three buff Orp pullets that are 7 months old, one is laying, one is close to laying and the other is sickly so we are trying to decide what to do with her. I also have two polish that are laying now. I need a bigger coop!!
I need a bigger coop if I keep ordering more. I ordered sexed chicks but I know there can still be more roos than you order. Can you tell which are hens and which are roos the only one thats supposed to be a roo is the blh. I only won't one roo because when we had three together two ran the other one away.
It's hard to tell, I can only guess, the BO looks like a girl to me, the rest I just don't know. Post more pics as they grow up and we can all play the "guess what we are" game. Enjoy them. They are wonderful!
I figured it whould be hard to tell since they are young, but the one suppose to be a roo comb is devloping faster than the others. The bo is suppose to be a girl so I hope she is. I'm lucky we live in the country where people don't mind crowing.
In a one or two more weeks I'll post some more indvidual pics.
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