My chick's crop has not emptied overnight and his down feathers starting to clear only in it's crop area

Cholesterol man

In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2021
Hi there! I have 3 chicks, all are 11 days old. They are purchased and no mother around, I have given only millets, chopped grass and fruits for a whole week because chicken starter has emptied and not available in stores. recently I have saw my chick eating a 1 cm chunk of pineapple and now there crop are not emptying overnight for a few days and completly lossed feathers only in crop area. Tell me if it is impacted crop and please help me!
I would say yes they are impacted. Chicks need grit to feed things other than chick starter or similar feed. They need to be on chick feed what you are feeding them will not give them nutrients or vitamins they need for healthy growth. Hopefully you can help them through impaction and get them proper feed.
Thanks, but what is the cause of impacted crop in my chick so I can avoid it in future and tell me preventive measures
Preventative: feed only Chick Starter Feed (medicated or non-medicated). They can also be given a small amount of "chick grit" that aids in digestion of all foods. Stay away from foods with skins on them like grapes, tomatoes, etc. Chopped grass and fruits are NOT going to give them what they need to grow properly as they don't contain the necessary proteins or vitamins. Protein is a huge component of early chick development along with a half dozen or so of essential vitamins. Get them on CHICK FEED now. Order it online for delivery to your door if you have to, but do that TODAY.

For the problem with the impacted crop, don't let the chick eat any more food for now as that will only compound the issue. Give the chick all the water it wants now to help lubricate the upper digestive tract, and help to free the blockage by gently massaging the crop between your thumb and index finger to try to break the "clog" because that's really what it is a CLOG.

If over the course of the next 12-24 hours, you can't get the blockage freed, you may need veterinary help. Good luck with your chick!

Here's a decent primer on impacted crop, but there are plenty out there:
Can rocks a bit or so larger than grit and dried fibre in spinach can cause impacted crop?
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Can rocks a bit or so bigger than grit can cause impacted crop?
It's possible, especially in conjunction with other foods that chicks (and chickens) have a harder time passing.
Feed is a critical component of chicken health. It combines most all of the things they need for good digestive health and overall health. Sometimes they'll need a bit more this or that, but their outward signs and egg production (in hens anyway) will tell you that. For example, if you're getting eggs with thin shells, your hen likely is not getting enough calcium in her diet to properly form the egg's shell.
Be sure to remove that chick from the rest of the group and feed her no more until she's passed what's in her crop now. Give the chick water now, and massage that crop to help her pass what's in there now.
The longer the food stays in the crop without being digested, the higher the risk for the food in the crop fermenting into sour crop.
From what you've posted above, she's likely already consumed too much fruit, and fruit ferments easily in a confined space like a crop.

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