My chicks have started randomly shaking their heads?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 2, 2014
Okay, so I was watching my week old chicks and I noticed that they have started randomly shaking their heads like something is bothering them. I've been trying to figure out why they might be doing it. So far these are the possible reasons I have found: They are too cold, loud noises, and mites. They do it at random intervals and I'm usually quiet when they are doing it. Also, I'm pretty sure they didn't start doing it until recently. At first I had them in the brooder with a red bulb that was probably around 250 watts, but then I accidentally broke it :/, so now they are under a white bulb that is probably between 100 and 150 watts. I say probably because these are bulbs that I had on hand. They could be hearing loud noises and I just didn't notice the shaking until now. So what do you guys think it is and should I do anything about it? They seem to be acting fine other than the shaking.
I also have a chick that just started doing this yesterday. She's 3 weeks old, the runt of the group, and silver lace Wyandotte. I would also like to hear what ppl think is going on. I've tried to up load a photo however I'm having problems with that to the forum and still trying to figure ou how this works. :)
My wyandotte chicks were doing this also. I started supplementing their water with Poultry Provita which is vitamins and probiotics. They no longer shake their head randomly and are all doing well at 15 weeks old. Enjoy your chicks...they grow up sooo fast!!
So I need to get the vitamin that's for their digestive system? Or the electrolyte vitamin? I also heard that adding 1/2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a quart of water will help their digestive system. Is that true and will that work?
I have some save-A-chick electrolyte and vitamin suppliment and I also have the probiotics one...can I mix them together? Or how do I get the vitamin you mention?
I am so sorry about your chick! I am so attached to mine that I can only agine how I would feel. Praying the rest of your little ones grow to be healthy and sweet!
You can get the vitamin/probiotic at Tractor Supply for $13.99 60gm, a local farm supply store, or order it online. Amazon has it for 7.99 plus shipping here

So sorry to hear that you have had a fatality, it is so heartbreaking. The tough part of owning chickens too. I would still supplement your remaining chicks' diet, the sooner the better!!

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