my chicks pecked a tail off!! and a moving outside question


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 24, 2010
I have 7- 3 wk old chicks and when I went to check on them I noticed blood and the whole tail missing from my EE. I separated her from the others and put some antiseptic cream on it. Tomorrow I am moving the chicks into a larger brooder in case that was the reason. I have also been using a red light. Is there something different I should do? Also, how long should I leave them separated? she hates being away from her sisters but I don't want them to peck her.
On a separate note...
My chicks have the majority of their feathers and it is in the 80s here during the day with the lows at night being in the mid sixties. I have been taking them outside for an hour or so everyday. When can I move them into their coop?
Not really sure with the chick, but I would say its best to keep it seperated until its healed up a bit. I would say in 2-4 weeks they should be fine to go out to the coop. And the light should not be a problem either.
i would just say that keeping three week olds with seven week olds is pretty risky, a seven week old could easily kill a three week old...if i were you i would not only separate the injured chick, but id also separate the bigger chicks from the smaller chicks until they are closer in size
I think they meant that they have 7 chicks at 3 weeks old.

Just take any pine shavings stuck to the chick off, that way it won't peck at itself trying to get them off.
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Is this a situation that you would use the blue lotion someone mentioned in another thread? (I can't find it now!) It was the first I had read about it, and they spoke of putting it on a bare spot or wound and the other chicks won't bother them anymore? Did I understand that correctly? Anyone know what that was about? (Or where it was!)

(Chicks arriving this week. Been reading here for over a year but I'm a total newbie!)
I think you mean blu-kote
I don't really know anything about it. I searched a thread on byc and found this "Blu-Kote is a quick-drying, protective wound dressing to treat ringworm, skin abrasions and surface wounds. Covers the wound with a deep, penetrating coating to promote clean, rapid healing. Works well for birds who have been pecked. It has an unpleasant taste to help stop cannibalism." So, this could be good to use. Just be careful not to get it on you or let it splatter...cuz whatever it gets on will be blue...saw a thread of someone who put it on a hen and it shook its head and she had blue dots all over her face from it
I think I need to go the farm store and get some of these meds just in case I need them, hummm! What would anyone recomment to keep on hand?
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Thanks for all your help. How long until I can move her back in with the others. They are in the same brooder but separated by a screen so they can all still see each other. I tried putting her in yesterday but they all started fighting. How do I reintroduce her? It's been a week.
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