My chicks won't go into their coop on their own.


Jul 4, 2020
My 6 week old chicks will not go into their coop, how do I train them to? I have just been herding them in. They are very stubborn.
It may be a good idea if it isn't too hot, to keep the chicks closed up in the coop for some weeks so that they know the coop is home not the run.
You could also try: 1 hour before you want them in the coop, sprinkle a little amount of treats inside the coop (mealworms) to lock them in.
I wonder if you are trying to put them in too early?

Mine are about that same age. Last night I wanted to go in while it was barely dusk because the mosquitoes were bad and I had quite the herding job. They were not at all ready to go to bed then.

Tonight wasn't as buggy and I was reading on the Kindle until it was getting quite dim. One of them decided to go over to the ramp and all of them gathered there. All I had to do was urge the little, feathery tails through the pop door. No herding required.
Mine were doing the same thing. My husband suggested I was putting them up too early, so I watched them from far away as the sun started to go down, and sure enough at 9pm on the dot they marched into their house for bed. I agree with the previous posts that maybe you are just putting them up too early :)
As others have noted, when THEY are ready, as long as they know where to go, they'll be on their own bedtime plan.

I have found, also like others, when one decides, they'll all follow suit not wanting to be left out in the dark (so to speak). Really, chicks don't have working clock yet. They're not of laying age, so my experiences have been when we rush them, they resist even more!

Like your location, mosquitoes are really bad here too... so much so, that I dread going out at dusk for fear of being carried away!

I have several different aged birds AND I have ducks too... Not one of them goes at the same time unless I herd them in, and even then, they still do not go roost until they're ready. Ducks, they don't know the meaning of sleep apparently, so don't try to plan duck sleep and chick/chicken sleep as one.

Fret not, once the seasons change more, they'll catch on and go in earlier, and sooner or later if you have others, you'll find other than a straggler or 2, they all follow the leader. First in gets the best sleeping seat in the house! Pecking order does not end, even at bed time.

Get some picariden spray (works great, not evil like Deet but works very well. Check it out -- I moved to it and never went back.... Very helpful to those of us that react badly to bug bites like mosquitoes and others... (or if you have someone to go in your place that they don't bother, even better!)

I wonder if you are trying to put them in too early?

Mine are about that same age. Last night I wanted to go in while it was barely dusk because the mosquitoes were bad and I had quite the herding job. They were not at all ready to go to bed then.

Tonight wasn't as buggy and I was reading on the Kindle until it was getting quite dim. One of them decided to go over to the ramp and all of them gathered there. All I had to do was urge the little, feathery tails through the pop door. No herding required.

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