My Chukar Partridge Passed Away... Trying to Find Out Why


In the Brooder
May 22, 2021
Dear fellow poultry enthusiasts,

A tragedy struck my flock yesterday. I have 4 chickens and 4 chukar partridges. When I went there this morning one of the chukars had sadly passed away. I am trying to find the reason so that the other three birds will not follow her to the eternal hunting grounds. Is it possible that:

1) She was too hot
- I live in Edmonton, Alberta and the last few days were very cold, between -20 and -30C
- I have two heat lamps in the chicken house which keep it around 0 to -5C
- Is it possible that inside was too hot for the poor bird but outside was too cold?
- I found it dead in the outside run, under the stairs

2) Lack of water
- I have two heated nipple drinkers but I have never seen any of the chukars use them
- Is it possible that it didn't have access to water or couldn't figure out how to use it?

3) The food is not right
- I have some gamebird starter with high protein but the crumble size is too small
- Apart from that I also have a bucket with chicken layer feed, which they eat
- Everything is easily accessible

4) Wild bird feed
- I recently gave the birds a feeder with grain for feeding wild birds
- Can this be the reasons why the partridge died?

There was no damage on the body of the bird, it looked healthy, it was walking around and everything looked normal.
It was not losing weight either. So, this is a mystery for me.

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