My Cochin Ruby is so thin

Sandra Verbreyt

Jul 12, 2017
Temse Belgium
I have a little Cochin named Ruby. She is shedding feathers which I believe is normal. However she feels really thin . She is eating and drinking and laying but still seems thin. Is this normal when shedding feathers for winter or do I need to be concerned. Advice please anybody. I also have a silkie (Margo) she seems fine. They are both free range and have the run of the garden during the day but are locked away safely from predators during the night.
If you want to fatten up the hen, feed her some scratch. (OR MORE THAN YOU ARE CURRENTLY DOING). I know the Federation suggests to keep treats to 10% of feed, but I break those rules myself,,,,, and have done it for over 20 years. My chickens (pets) live long lives BTW. I also think they are happy. :wee
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :highfive:

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