My cockerel has gone missing


Jan 10, 2024
My cockerel (Noodle) went missing this evening and I’m worried sick.
I suspect he got into a fight with his father (Pingu) but noodle is nowhere to be found.
He’s not in any bushes, trees or plants, not in the coop, under any benches or anything.
Ive looked all over my garden for him and even in my neighbours gardens.
I live in England and it’s set to be about 4 degrees tonight.
I’ve cleaned up pingu the best I could.
I do try and separate the two to the best of my abilities, by making them sleep in separate places, putting them at opposite sides of the garden.
Any tips to finding a cockerel in the dark would be a life saver.
Thank you
You could look in some bushes and lower tree branches, and any fences to see if he is roosting. Using a light. In my experience, they tend to hide and stay quiet in the dark. At first light, get our tomorrow and have a feed container or whatever he is used to seeing and speak to him. Do not let the other rooster out though. I hope that you find him. You will need to keep the two roosters separate if you find the younger one. Place one with the hens, and keep the other in a crate or pen with food and water. You can alternate them, but they will fight if together. My head rooster was run off into the woods once when a new rooster was added. The older guy was molting and weak at the time. Good luck.
Thank you for the replies. My mum found him under my neighbours deck, we are leaving him until morning to come out in his own time, I will do a check up on him to make sure he’s not injured.
Thank you for the help :)

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