My coop idea: run under deck

I wouldn't block it off. Our chickens scratch around under the deck from time to time but they don't spend an inordinate amount of time under there. If you find out later on that your chickens are staying under there too much, then you can spend the time and money to block it off.
i can see you now, out on your deck, the sun going down, you laid back in a lawn chair with your feet up sipping a cold glass of lemonade... flies buzzing around, a rotten egg-chicken poo smell in the air,, just then the silent moment of bliss is broken by a chicken cackle....... ya put them under your deck and you'll soon be moving them!!!
LOL- ok so the questions remains, do I wall off the deck's crawl space so they can't get under there at all?

i can see you now, out on your deck, the sun going down, you laid back in a lawn chair with your feet up sipping a cold glass of lemonade... flies buzzing around, a rotten egg-chicken poo smell in the air,, just then the silent moment of bliss is broken by a chicken cackle....... ya put them under your deck and you'll soon be moving them!!!
Thanks "Chick Norris!"

I am laughing at the username. - That is so clever.

What do you think of this idea:

We're about to get 5 hens. Out back we have a pretty large wood deck that sits about 3' off the ground. I am thinking about walling it up with some wire and making it a "run for when we want to keep them out of the yard." I am thinking of making a smallish moveable coop that will sit right beside the deck, with two entrances, one in back to let them run and eat the bugs under the deck, and another door to let them out into the yard.

No grass grows under there, but it's bug city... earwigs, ants, spiders, you name it. Good idea or not?
What did you end up doing? I have a similar situation. I've had 4 chickens for nearly a year. So far they free range but they do like to hang out under the deck often. It hasn't been a problem so far.

I've been thinking to move the coop next to the deck and restrict them to the coop, run, and under the deck area for just the winter months so there isn't poop all over the yard. I'm in Florida so the winter months are we go out in the yard and the kids play. I'd still let the chickens free range in the summer when we don't care to be outside much.
I did not end up doing this. Yes, they hang out under there, but I decided not to close it off because it would be hard to clean (I'd have to do it on my hands and knees, and a run can get really, really disgusting ;) )

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