My Coop is done finally have pics (heavy pics)


12 Years
Jul 28, 2007
New Jersey and Maine





Today I went to feed my chickens oatmeal and they ate it in 10 seconds



That looks real good! Very nice work!

I can't tell from the photos but do have some smaller wire over the lower 3 ft of the run? The wire I see is wide enough that a weasel, possum, coon and other critters can get a snout and/or an arm in and swipe a chicken. A raccoon can and will grab them through the wire and have their supper.

You could add a layer of hardware cloth or a couple layers of chicken wire. The chicken wire won't neccessarily keep anything out when used alone but can be a good barrier for claws and paws.
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The bottom is lined with poultry netting dug into the ground
I will work on that... I thought about putting some big bricks around the bottom. I really don't have a problem with critters around here besides hawks but its better safe then sorry
That looks awesome!!! What type of fastener do you use to connects the poles with the cross pieces? I'd love to know as I'm always looking for ideas. I really love the coop design.
Take a bow and give yourself a huge pat on the back!!!
Poultry netting/chicken wire isn't made the way it used to be. It will keep chickens in but it won't keep much anything else out. Small animals bent on having chicken for supper can tear through it like wet paper. It would be real sad to come out and find those pretty chickens had been somethings dinner.

You will be surprised what sneaks around inthe dead of night. All sorts of little beasts who want nothing more than than to get at your girls. Racoons and possom are some of the most common, not to menttion rats and weasels and other furry things.

Hardware cloth is expensive if you have to invest in alot of it. Covering the bottom 2 - 3 feet should provide some really good protection for your girls.
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