My Crowing Hen's Making Me Cry!

This is funny: my husband went to the feed store yesterday to buy some scratch for the chickens and he mentioned to the ladies behind the counter that we had a crowing hen and did they have any advice on the subject, and they said "Oh, you're one of the lucky ones!" They weren't being sarcastic, as you might think they were. They really thought it was great. So I guess I'm lucky
my mother's quote on this was:

"whistling girls and crowing hens
always come to some bad end"

of course, I couldn't whistle on the OUT breath,
and could then, and can now, only make a
little breathy squeak on the IN breath

these crazy chickens, though ... one hen does seem
to be trying to crow (though she is quieter than the
roo, and he's fairly civilized about it) ... but ...

not only do the hens do the "buh-gawwwk"
but so does the roo ... gets to be quite a chorus
out there

this morning hubby says "gee, sounds like a
farm out there" ... with two adolescent chicks
(almost the same size as mama, and probably
both cockerels, still peeping) and nine new baby chicks
(appear to have hatched yesterday or night before,
cheeping like mad),
and the four wild hens and one wild roo,
plus the silver EE and white leghorn hens
my friend just gave me (both supposed to
be good layers, both cooped up since I don't
think I need any more fertile eggs ... with
13 in one nest (looks like they might be
abandoned) and 17 in another (one of the
wild hens is intermittently sitting on those)

chicken-happy Candy

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