My CT Henhouse

CT henhouse

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 28, 2011
Well, I finally finished building the coop and run. I only have this one pic so far, I'm notorious for not chronicling work in progress. The henhouse is 8'x8', with the peak vents, soffits and ridge vent (sorry, it's cropped out of this pic), so I should have plenty of ventilation for the ladies. I used my old dog kennel for the run, and there is chicken wire along the lower 3' of it to keep the more wily predators at bay. If you look at the floor of the run, you'll see more chain link fencing. This was scrounged, and we laid it down before laying down the poles, so anything that even tries to burrow in will be stopped. This run is practically Fort Knox now. Since this pic was taken, we laid dirt in the run and added the final wall of fencing and put chicken wire overhead. This coop is way over engineered, but hey, that's how we do things where I come from.
Thanks for looking.

Beautiful coop!

I might mention that I lost a chicken because an owl reached through my chain link dog kennel and grabbed a chicken, pulled it through and ate it. I would recommend lining the bottom few feet with chicken wire or hardware cloth to prevent this.

I love the posts under the fencing- just gorgeous.
Yes, I lined the lower 3' of the run with chicken wire. Sorry to hear about your chicken.
Great job on the quality of your run. Often times, we spend so much time/effort/money on the coop the run gets slapped together and regretted!
I admire the way you did the outside planking. I have thought alot about that style when I do my next construction (say a chicken house or shed). I was thinking of just using some fence planking and some 1x2 to cover the gaps like you did. Good job!!!

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