My Cull Wood Coop

Yes, that's one of my girls tryin' to hog the camera! I have 18 assorted chickens, White Leghorns, Black Austrolorps, and some mutt barred rock x leghorn and an EE roster.

That was one of my unforseen mistakes. The roof should have had more of an overhang on the ends to accomedate one more row of tile. I didn't have a tile cutter to cut off the "Up" part of the tile and fudge everything together so that option was out too. I probabley should put chicken wire along there but that would involve taking off the tile, stapling down the wire and resetting the tile and I don't have the energy for that right now. The opening is smaller than it lookes in the picture and the chickens are even too big to get out there. Small birds do enter there and eat chicken feed though. As far as preditors, any thing that would harm the birds would not be able to access them via that opening.

Well that's good that noone could get in there...Glad your birds love there house...even if they are camera

They look like they are gonna love it....And I can't get over how CUTE the rooster weather vien is....
... you could have a real item there if you could train them to do that...Everyone is always trying to get rid of roosters, and here you have a job already set up for them...

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