My custom-built surprise coop just arrived yesterday!


10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Central FL
I'm getting my first chickens in April and my coop arrived today. It was a surprise coop made for me by some guys that work for my mom....luckily she's a great boss and they did it for her very happily! (My mom said they quite enjoyed building something fun for a change). The guys that built it have all built chicken coops in their home countries so they just created something for me. It was a big surprise when it arrived yesterday!!!

I have no clue if it'll be a good coop or not. I hope so. I am worried it might be a little hot in the top - the sleeping/roosting/nesting quarters. We live in Central FL and it gets insanely hot here so I might have to see about venting that top area somehow.

Any thoughts on it? Think it'll work for me?

Yes, the staircase is hilarious.




The roof has shingles on it to keep it dry inside. We still have to put a locking mechanism on the door and the little back doors to the nest boxes.
If you open the door to the nest boxes, it's a straight platform to the top of the stairs (if that makes sense).

Any thoughts for me? My chicks arrive in April so I've got plenty of time to iron out any kinks. I know my chicks will have to live inside for awhile so I guess they won't be ready for the coop for a couple of months, right?

I appreciate any thoughts on this since I'm new here! Thanks all!!!!!
First is there a way in other than through the nest boxes? If so then you could brood your chicks in the coop, you just have to keep them warm till fully feathered. As far as venting, you could alway frame in a (window) at the top, cover it with hardware cloth, then you have ventilation, and the chickens will want a way to see so they can find thier roosting spots.
Adorable ( your child, too). Is that screening on the outside? Will be great for insects and if you need to reinforce with 1/2" hardware cloth on the outside it would be great for predator protection. So nice to see a thoughtfully-decorated and appointed coop.

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