My dad thinks it's a brain tumor...

Ive never seen Mareks present with large tumors...and this thing was an actual abcess. Could be that the infection is moving....and easing pressure in one spot can cause pooling in another...but its Hard to tell unless Mia feels that its OK to poke around in the hole. could be that it needs a good cleanout. Unless the black thing is a hard mass, its probably some sort of scab or blood clot.
Here are some pics. The stuff I picked out with some new tweezers I got, it has something like a livery texture. And it came out very easily, I also used a saline solution to wash any extra stuff out. There was some really dark blood coming from no where in there. My mom says chicken blood is really bright red, the healthy blood, so I shouldn't be worried?


Her eyes weren't all the way open because she was falling asleep. She still isn't eating alot
When she was out with the ducks and Skippy (rooster, don't worry he ignores her), I gave them some sliced grapes. She went after them and pecked at them, and then just stared at them.
Her beak keeps growing long too, is there any way to wear it down quickly? I tried filing but it was taking forever and after 10 minutes it didn't look any different. I think her beak is getting in the way of her eating and I think she's a little weak too.
I hate to say it, but I think she has more going on that that abcess on her head. I thought her beak looked strange when you posted the other night, now I see why.
You are doing such a great job with her, I hope she comes around. maybe try some yogurt with some crumbles in it if you have some, even chick starter would be good. It is easy to digest and I feed it to my sick birds when they are starting to come around. A little apple cider vinegar is good in her water too to help keep her gut in shape. Every little bit helps, I think.
But one thing is for sure, that huge lump has gone WAY down. She has to be more comfortable than before you started treatment.
Good luck, lady.

Oh, and how is the other lump looking by hear earlobe?
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I was feeding 2 sick chickens last week and one of them was just crazy about canned cat food. I had read about people feeding it to chickens for extra protein but had never done it. You might try it with your hen. It seems that they are all different as to what they like. I also put selenium, vit B and E, cranberry powder, echinacea, and poly-vi-sol without iron in thier food when they aren't feeling well. Another thing to try is cooked oatmeal with yogurt.

Hope she gets better. You certainly are taking good care of her. She is a lucky gal.
Yeah I'm afraid to clip her nails too cuz last time I went down too far and it bled
I tried filing aswell.. I guess I don't have any heavy duty filers. How do "normal" chickens keep their nails down? Her activity levels are quite low.. Even with her little bursts of energy.
She came from a hatchery down in San Fernando Valley... She came with a bunch of standard orpington chicks. I sorta wonder how she looked as a baby.

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