My destiny has changed ! They moved in, pic's on on 36

I know the pain of getting contractors to do what they say they are going to do. When I built my house, the first one I have every had built out of 5 that I have owned. I learned that Contractors do not operate on the same Calendar or the same time that others operate on. When a contractor tells you he will be at your house on Monday he does not mean the Monday that follows Sunday he really means his Monday which is normally two or more weeks from the First Monday. And his Monday's don't always come after Sunday. His Mondays vary from week to week, but to a contractor it is Still MONDAY. Oh, and his watch does not tell time like most people’s watches. 8:00 AM on a contractors watch is normally sometime in the mid after-noon, Or sometimes it is after the Sun has gone down. Still 8:00 AM in contractor time. I leaned a whole lot while building my house. I see things I would have done a little different, but I never quite figured out How contractors Calendars or watches work!!!

Hope you enjoy you new Chicken Pen.
Around here, they call it "being on Lake Time."
I look at your photos... And u should be so proud of goodness..check u out, you can do this..oh yes u can..and don't let anyone stop u, you are a others say..keep going... You will get er done...
When i asked what u are asking about, I had a ton of replies..where people has runs for years and none of it was sunk

None of their run

Looks great to me
I haven't used that run just yet, but my plan is to make a small door at the big run that matches the small run for them to get it. But plans can change, I might use that 8x8 portable coop and make a A-frame on top of it.
Thank you Yanmar1610d. That Monday never comes, well to me of course lol. I had my share of some contractors when doing some contruction work at my house too. We hired the builder who build this house to make a simple wall to divide the rooms in the basement for theather room. 1 wall that would be 23ft long and double doors. He first said $1,500, then that went up to $9,876 and at the end, were forced to pay that amount, but that's a whole entirely different story. I admire contractors on their ability to turn a simple wood and make dozens of stuff with it. But being honest comes first in any job. I don't think some are intellegent though. If if he was smart, there were so many things that needed to be done and I would of hired him again if he hadn't over charged us and/or told us when it would of finished. By the way, he finished 2 weeks after his promise date. But you're right.
Thx hon
I haven't had luck through out my life so far, I mean when it rains, it pures hard on me. But I always believe that if there is a will, there's always a way. Even people make fun of me at the store when they see me in my working boots and jacket carrying 2x4 and 4x4's by myself and never asked or accepted their help. Or when my own family says "she turned into a man" Or when contractor (s) says I did everything wrong in order for me to hire them, I still believe that I can do this. I was belittled and called "a chick lady who lost her mind " by my brothers family because I was so frustrated to find them a spot int the backyard for my chicks and ducks. I love building things and looking at it once it's finished and just brings me happiness. My first coop was made by parts I found in the garage and I didn't have powerfull tools, I only had hand saw, nails and a hammer. I had doubts but I believe in myself, I think everyone should for one reason or another to always believe in themselves even the world doesn't agree with them.

Thank you, and thank you all for believing in me. Since I have BYC at my back, nothing will stand in my way ! Thank you all.
We are in the same boat. Working boots (steel toe boots, if I may say so myself
and proud of it) and a jacket is my standard uniform, in addition to sweat pants and old t-shirt that may have holes in them. I didn't know anything was wrong with that attire.

To be honest with you, you have a gift that most women and some men don't have. It's a talent and gift from God that you were blessed with. Be proud of it. Others who ridicule you are just jealous. They wish that they could do half of what you can do. You're talented my friend. There is no limit to what you can do. Keep your head up!!! We're on your side.
We are in the same boat. Working boots (steel toe boots, if I may say so myself
and proud of it) and a jacket is my standard uniform, in addition to sweat pants and old t-shirt that may have holes in them. I didn't know anything was wrong with that attire.

To be honest with you, you have a gift that most women and some men don't have. It's a talent and gift from God that you were blessed with. Be proud of it. Others who ridicule you are just jealous. They wish that they could do half of what you can do. You're talented my friend. There is no limit to what you can do. Keep your head up!!! We're on your side.

aaww, thank you hon
you made me blush this morning. I had my snow boots & jacket thru the winter since it was sooo cold here and going to their current run when it had 6 inches of mud
. I wore that when I was painting the mini coop in the garage and managed to get paint on it. So ever since that, I've been wearing that to check on the chickens and building. My 8 yr son said, "ewww mommy you got poop on your back" I said "no babes thats a paint, another words it's a working progress of mommy's project".

You are too kind, thank you for the inpiration
We are all united, and our leader is a Chicken.
Our single most important goal is... More Eggs,
We stand fearless and firm against all who would see us fail or falter. Our coops may lean, and our litter may decay, but our gardens will show our skills and our breakfasts will please all who sit at our table! We are One in Mind and Spirit.

Quote: "Build her hell for stout, 'pretty' always takes care of herself." ... Charlie Settlemeyer

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