My DH has joined the rave!

Must Be Losing It

Lost It
11 Years
Mar 3, 2008
Uxbridge MA
My husband, after watching me sweat several hatches has joined the ranks of us nuts!

I gave him my first incubator and he's modified it to run more effectively and had me order quail eggs for him.

So given he's a newbie I assumed he'd start slow. Not a chance. He filled an entire egg turner w/ quail eggs - all 120 of them.

Someone please tell me the hatch rate stinks on quail!!!!!

and to the world of poultry, my quail i get almost 100% on them..they are bobwhite type..

You better get a big brooder as they are very picky about space once hitting about 3 weeks old somtimes sooner and within 2 weeks they will be a flying like theres no tomorrow..

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Just be sure to tell him to open the bator CAREFULLY and be prepared for darting, zipping little hard-to-catch balls of fluff because they hit the ground running. Oh, and they HOP incredibly high, have fun! Baby quail are really adorable tho...
hehe.. Have fun with them. I can't wait until my guy gets his quail. Although he is only getting a few.... I would love a ton of birds if I had the room. What type of quail? My guy is planning on getting bobwhite quail.
They're Northern Bobwhites. But here's another question. I read somewhere that the incubation is 16 to 17 days, but I just found several other references to 23 to 24 days. Does anyone know which it is?

LOL I think my hubby might be the same... He's more excited than I am for the upcoming hatch... in his words exactly 'Oh awesome! I'll be off that night! I can't wait to see them hatch!'... Mr. OhIdontCareAboutChickens... yeah ok... LOL

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