My dog is eating the chickens poop

Not only do most of my dogs eat poop (except for the pitty-girl Mica), my oldest Terv likes to bring in poopcicles in the winter time, to chew on at her leisure.
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You know you could always freeze some and find out >>>>>>>sorry just had to<<<<<<

Yes my guys also bring in the frozen cabobs and I love it when they give the look " '''' WWWWWhat????? "
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one. We have lots of jokes about it, 'the dogs are eating popcorn again', the chickens are 'popcorn machines', the dogs are 'vacuuming the lawn again'.

Regarding the nausea, I can say that one of my poo eating dogs has food allergies, and he has mild allergic reactions after he feasts on chicken poo. Chicken food is unfortunately LOADED with the things that typically trigger food allergies in dogs - soy, corn, wheat, grains, etc.

I have found no other solution other than keeping the chickens (mostly) away from places that the dogs have access. I allow a little poo eating as long as the allergies don't get too bad.

My vets have also told me there is no harm in the poo eating, other than monitoring the allergic reactions.

Good luck, and don't let him lick your face!!

my puppy stays in the kitchen away from the cat for now, and she got into the playroom and guess what she found? cat puke! yum! so she started to eat it. at first i was like 'ew josie, that's so gross...' until i remembered that i was the one that was going to be cleaning it up...then it didn't seem all that bad. lol don't worry, i didn't let her have it...ew

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