*my* dog killed a neighbor's chicken!!!!

Oh! Okay, i thought she meant kill the dogXD

No, and even though the strays here are killers and have attacked humans. They were not born that way, they started as cute little puppies that just got handed a really bad deal. But they have progressed to the point that we fear them. After 3 confirmed dog kills, who knows how many chicken and cat kills, the 15 year old being bit, and myself being chased down the street by them, I do feel those dogs need to be dealt with. I would prefer they be humanely euthanized, but no one will catch them for fear of being bit and animal control won't come and get them either. Since they have already torn holes in chain link to get chickens, other dogs, cats, and female dogs in heat, the fence don't really keep them out anymore. It's a sad situation, but in order to protect my children, and animals, I would shoot them if they got in my yard. With Sonya9, and others advice I am going to try putting electric fencing on my front fence to keep them out, but if they get in, well I will try and make it quick and painless as possible for the dog.
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I want to wish the OP well, I am glad her situation has a happier ending than most. I also want to apologize to the OP for unintentionally hijacking her thread and causing such a lively discussion that had little to no relevance to her situation.

I also want to thank all who gave great advice about electric fencing. I am very great full.

(Sorry about the fumbling typing and editing thing, I'm doing 4 things at once here.)
After 3 confirmed dog kills, who knows how many chicken and cat kills, the 15 year old being bit, and myself being chased down the street by them, I do feel those dogs need to be dealt with. I would prefer they be humanely euthanized, but no one will catch them for fear of being bit and animal control won't come and get them either. Since they have already torn holes in chain link to get chickens, other dogs, cats, and female dogs in heat, the fence don't really keep them out anymore. It's a sad situation, but in order to protect my children, and animals, I would shoot them if they got in my yard. With Sonya9, and others advice I am going to try putting electric fencing on my front fence to keep them out, but if they get in, well I will try and make it quick and painless as possible for the dog.
You live in a place with a homeowners association yet these dogs are terrorizing the neighborhood and tearing through chainlink fences? I suspect there is MORE to the story.

Something does not seem right here, do you know who owns these dogs? I think you do.
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You live in a place with a homeowners association yet these dogs are terrorizing the neighborhood and tearing through chainlink fences? I suspect there is MORE to the story.

Something does not seem right here, do you know who owns these dogs? I think you do.

The whole neighborhood knows who owns the dogs. The homeowners association is only care about upholding the quality of the houses and fences because they are weak. On issues they feel strongly about they raise a stink because on paper we our neighborhood is part of the association, but most people here got fed up with them and stopped paying fees and what not, I purchased our house not knowing we had the association until I wanted to put leaners on my front fence. Leaners are the fence toppers you see at airports and jails with barbed wire. I wanted to string PCV on top of my fence to repell the strays and they got on my butt for it.

I also never denied knowing the dogs owners, I did call the sheriff, animal control, and animal abuse hotline and all the owners got were warnings.

Here is a pic of my dog pen made the way I wanted to do my front fence.
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The whole neighborhood knows who owns the dogs.

Yes, well then I suggest you address the PROBLEM here. The problem is the thug/psycho/drug dealer that owns the dogs.

Killing those poor dogs won't solve the problem. Be creative.
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Yes, well then I suggest you address the PROBLEM here. The problem is the  thug/psycho/drug dealer that owns the dogs.

Killing those poor dogs won't solve the problem. Be creative.

I am open to suggestions, the family owns 2 properties right across the street from each other. And even though it is supposed to be illegal he runs a car repair shop out of his garage. All the dogs live on both properties, under the cars, in the garage, under the trailor of the other property, and just scattered in the yards and street. Can't drive back there without having to stop NOT to hit a dog, and the dog usually bites the tires or plates of the cars that stop. Some people with big trucks speed down the roat Hoping to hit one, which ticks me off as this is dangerous when kids will ride their bikes or play ball at midday. Of coarse if the kids see the dogs they hightail it back home quick. And you are right, one dog was hit by a school buss a couple weeks ago and he has already replaced it. And the dog was left to die in agony on the side of the road. The dog hit was the biggest most aggressive of the pack, so we have had some calm since his passing, but it will start back up because this guy likes mean dogs.
And you are right, one dog was hit by a school buss a couple weeks ago and he has already replaced it. And the dog was left to die in agony on the side of the road. The dog hit was the biggest most aggressive of the pack, so we have had some calm since his passing, but it will start back up because this guy likes mean dogs.

Uhhh...yeah. I am glad I don't live in your neighborhood or anywhere around you folks.

Disgusting. Glad I am a gun owner, that is all I can say.
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