My Duck Can’t Stand


May 17, 2024
We got two ducks last summer. Everything has been great! Yesterday my dog got into the yard when the ducks were out. She snapped at one of the ducks. Now, the duck walks as if he is drunk and he falls over, sometimes onto his back and won’t get up. We took him to the vet. No blood, open wounds, puncture marks, nothing. Vet said nothing is broken. Wings, legs and neck all seem to be fine. They gave us some anti-inflammatories and pain medication for the duck.
Today more of the same, except we let him in his pool to swim and he seemed ok doing that.
Anyone have any idea what could be wrong? Or what I should do? I don’t want him to suffer.
We got two ducks last summer. Everything has been great! Yesterday my dog got into the yard when the ducks were out. She snapped at one of the ducks. Now, the duck walks as if he is drunk and he falls over, sometimes onto his back and won’t get up. We took him to the vet. No blood, open wounds, puncture marks, nothing. Vet said nothing is broken. Wings, legs and neck all seem to be fine. They gave us some anti-inflammatories and pain medication for the duck.
Today more of the same, except we let him in his pool to swim and he seemed ok doing that.
Anyone have any idea what could be wrong? Or what I should do? I don’t want him to suffer.
Could be head trauma, or simply shock. Give him time to recover from the incident
Did you treat him for shock? Is he eating and drinking normally?
Could be head trauma, or simply shock. Give him time to recover from the incident
Did you treat him for shock? Is he eating and drinking normally?
The vet didn’t give any advice about treating for shock. What would that be? She ate the first day but doesn’t seem to have eaten yesterday. If she did it wasn’t much.
The vet didn’t give any advice about treating for shock. What would that be? She ate the first day but doesn’t seem to have eaten yesterday. If she did it wasn’t much.
Is it a drake or hen?
Treating for shock can be a few things, keeping the bird warm, in a quiet dim/dark space. Vets ought to treat first for shock, and this can involve rehydrating the bird, and/or giving medication. In other cases, they may give the animal oxygen, but I believe this is only when breathing is irregular/very weak.

Treating for shock is really important when a bird is attacked, it allows swifter recover and can ensure the symptoms are clearer. Otherwise it can be hard to pin point potential injury.

The other possibility is head trauma, whether mild or severe, this would likely affect coordination, and would hopefully be temporary.

Is she drinking? Its important that she stays hydrated and eats, recovery is difficult without that. Try her favourite foods, perhaps scrambled eggs, or some fruit, you could also try mixing her feed with water, to a soupy or wet mash consistency. This would also provide some extra hydration.
Although it seems to have started around the same time as the incident with your dog. It sounds like niacin deficiency to me. We are dealing with it as we speak. Get some niacin pills and sprinkle it on their food. It won’t hurt the other ducks. They will not absorb what they don’t nutritionally need. Also 911 rescue will help also.

You can google videos of the way they act when they are niacin deficient.

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