My duck eggs smell swampy


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 22, 2008
Roy, Washington
Now this is going to sound really silly, but my duck eggs smell swampy and they lay with my chickens whose eggs smell fine. My kids dont want to eat them because of the smell. Let me rephrase, the shell smells swampy not the inside. Is there a way to clean them to get rid of the smell. I will be selling them soon and wouldnt want my customer to smell it when they open the carton. Where they lay is dry, but the eggs are always dirty and stinky....ideas? Water just doesnt work.
I thought duck eggs, especially peking, always smelled marshy/swampy?

Ours always did... lol. They tasted slightly of it too.

I'll be interested to hear what others have to say about avoiding it. I thought it was just the way things were.
vinegar is a natural deodorizing cleaner, though I'm not sure how that might work with the porous shells...wouldn't want the insides to taste vinegary. Couldn't hurt to try with one or two. After washing with water, rinse or spray with white vinegar, then dry- Try rubbing one dry and letting the other air-dry? I'm not sure if it changes things, the instructions for cleaning other things with vinegar usually say to let air dry- I'm not sure if it's part of the process or if it's just saying it's ok to be lazy and not wipe it down, it won't leave residue.
Mine usually dont smell unless they laid them in a wet area..then they really smell like a wet duck..
I've never had a smelly duck egg until today! I figured I'd update this post. I've got a peking and a khaki pairs (male, female). I get two eggs a day and I can always tell my peking vs that khaki because the khaki eggs are always a little smaller, about the size of the chicken eggs. The 4 ducks stay in the bottom area of the chicken coop while the chickens roost and nest on the top shelves. My duck eggs are always dirty because they lay on the floor. I was cleaning them off today and noticed that the peking egg smelled like wet dog (or wet duck in this case). The khaki egg didn't have a smell at all (normal).

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